Tri-hue watercolor class, week 3: tri-hue glazing critique; introduction to visual phenomena and painting strategies

We started the third class with a critique of the homework assignments – layering rectangles, aiming for more nuanced and complex colors and interactions – “fine French cuisine”. [gview file=””] [gview file=””] [gview file=””]

Tri-hue watercolor class, week 2

We had a long critique session, looking closely at each practice piece and making observations. At the end of class, Dick told us, “These are terrible! You’ll look back in future weeks and realize it. These show the origins too much [cyan, magenta, yellow].” And he assigned us to do it again, with new eyes,…

The Color Matrix

Following the ARRAY concept of color relationships, I have expanded Josef Albers’ two-parent relationship to a broader spectrum of color possibilities. The results are startling and a new tool for those who seek color harmony.