Color Residual group June 28

Color Residual 6: June

In the sixth color residual session, the group shared their ongoing explorations of color relationships in various media. Follow-on sessions will be scheduled depending on interest, and Dick will offer art history and color relationships classes in the fall.

Color Residual 5: May

Abstract versus representational: Do you have to choose? Nine artists explored their use of color, and discussed goals, difficulties, solutions, and ideas. Evidence mounts of increasing color awareness and sophistication.

Color Residual 3: March

Five students and a guest shared completed or experimental work. Everyone is pushing their skills and exploring new challenges. In a round-robin discussion, Dick encouraged everyone to identify their own message. There was a brief review / quiz on concepts of the visual phenomena of veils, light, and colored light.

Color Ribbons

Color ribbons

Aloha all you color enthusiasts! Just wanted to share some color experiments I have been doing with the help of my computer, Albers, students and fifty-plus years of painting and teaching. It’s reasonable to assume that few, if any, artists could arrive at these color combinations through the traditional methods and theories of color composition.…

Color Residual 1: January

Eight people who took the 11-week Color Relationships course last fall have chosen to deepen their learning by participating in a six-part series of monthly “Color Residual” sessions. The first meeting was held on Saturday, January 25. Some topics that came up, and useful resources, are provided below. Dick was featured in an alumni profile…