Week 6 assignment

For class on April 9, Dick has asked us to prepare some comments on the work above: Please take five or ten minutes to view the attached image of Turner’s painting and pen a couple of comments regarding how his painting reflects his interpretation of the event. Having some quiet time to contemplate this work…

Warm-up assignment, take 2

And now, a second viewpoint comparing these two works. This one was written by artist JoëlleC. (See the first here.) Although the theme of both paintings revolves around music, Harnett’s [on the left] is a detailed, almost photographic rendering of all the elements depicted, creating an illusion of reality. It appears as a careful set-up…

Warm-up assignment

Prior to the first meeting of the art history group, Dick asked us to write a brief comparison of the two works above. Here is how Curtis Cost responded: Two definitions of art… On the left, as described in Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers, art defined as a skill set developed over the course of 10,000 hours.…