Tri-hue watercolor class, week 7 homework

For our final assignment, Dick has “removed the fence posts” constraining subject matter and technique. He said, “My goal is to make you more independent. With each assignment I’ve given you more flexibility. You have the opportunity to push your boundaries.” He offered the following guidelines and checklist. Look at what’s happening Look at your…

Tri-hue watercolor class, week 4 follow-up

Homework for this week is exercises 5-7 on the assignment sheet from last week (Visual Phenomena & Painting Strategies): Illusion of a white spotlight; Illusion of a colored spotlight; 3D still life/landscape with cast shadow and ambient light. An example of exercise 7 in work is shown below. If you’re having trouble visualizing where the…

Tri-hue watercolor class, week 3: tri-hue glazing critique; introduction to visual phenomena and painting strategies

We started the third class with a critique of the homework assignments – layering rectangles, aiming for more nuanced and complex colors and interactions – “fine French cuisine”. [gview file=””] [gview file=””] [gview file=””]