Critique Group, 2017


To provide a group critique for those who wish to focus on and exploit specific lessons from any of the many classes taught by Dick Nelson. Two specific goals of the program would include critical analysis skills and lesson exploitation.


Each participant would engage in the implementation of a specific lesson or related group of lessons, e.g. vanishing boundaries, colored light, etc. into their own work. These works would then be critiqued by the group, following an objective critique guide.

(Excerpted from the course announcement (PDF).)

Dick also gives this advisory warning (PDF).


Objective Critique Guide (PDF) This is the sheet pictured in the videos below.
Artist’s Personal Inventory (PDF)
Personal Profile (PDF)

Critique Tutorial

Critique Tutorial #2

In this second critique, the artwork is not a famous masterpiece.

Submit and view work online

[button size=”large” color=”lgray” style=”flat” url=”″]Submit your work[/button] (requires password)

View group members’ work (requires password)