An artist's "fence posts"

Color Relationships 2013 week 10

Homework You will set your own assignment for a final project. You could set your criteria from the eight “fence posts”. Here are two examples of free color study assignments. Luminosity, Lose a shape Class recap Critique – Assignment 9, Transposing colors of equal value Several students said this was the hardest exercise yet. Distinguishing…

Color Relationships 2013 week 9

Homework Transposing colors of equal value Think of 1-3 ideas for a final project Optional: vanishing boundaries Rework or refine any previous assignments. Look for positive and negative examples to share. [gview file=””] [gview file=””] Class recap Critique – reworked assignments 1-7 Reworking an assignment strengthens your understanding of the concepts and provides a lasting…

Color Luminosity

Here are two ways color luminosity can be achieved. This should dispel the notion that the French Impressionists achieved color luminosity by way of full chroma color application. See the truth with your own eyes.