Color Relationships 2013 week 3

Homework Similar to last week, four homework assignments, summarized here with links to details. Rework a previous assignment to make it stronger, if you wish (see Week 2 here and here) This week’s new assignment: Make 4 colors appear as 3 (see below) Look for examples of “freaks” (see Week 2 here) Exploitation: look for…

Albers Critique

Color Relationships 2013 week 2

Homework You have four homework assignments this week. 1. Revisit the first assignment and create a stronger study If the critique made you see that your study was flawed, or that you could have pushed the deception even further, create a new one. Critique it yourself, based on the assignment criteria, and the questions in…

Color Relationships 2013 week 1

Homework assignment 1. Color deception: Bring in your study for critique next week Reviewing the value deception exercise criteria, solutions, and critique (slides 10-14 in the Class Materials section) will probably be helpful. If you plan to use Adobe Illustrator for your homework, watch this video for instructions on building an array in Illustrator and…

Pre-class prep

Dick has assigned homework to prepare for the upcoming color relationships classes, 2 videos and a quiz. Everyone should familiarize themselves with the concepts and terminology in these videos.

Color Relationships Class Announced for Fall 2013

Yes, color aficionados, it’s true! Dick is offering his Color Relationships course this fall. This is a course based on Josef Albers’ “Interaction of Color” graduate course at Yale. The eleven-week intensive color course will meet once a week for 3 hours. Classes are highly-structured, hands-on color studies with almost half of the time devoted…