Dick’s thoughts on the Albers iPad app

Albers App Screenshot

Albers App Screenshot

Quick Note: If you own an iPad, you may be aware of a newly created App on Albers and his Interaction of Color. Several of my former students have alerted me.

Well, I checked it out and found some miraculous programming which allows a hands-on creative experience in conjunction with the full text and illustrations of the Albers book Interaction Of Color.

CAUTION: You may lose some valuable discovery experience by working your way through this App prior to taking my class, or even cancel your enrollment, thinking this App will provide all you would get from my class. You will clearly save some dollars, but you will find a minefield of problems and misinformation in the process. We will be using the App in class, for it has invaluable reference material. So if you have an iPad, you may wish to download the App. Just don’t try to do any of the assignments before class.
