Drawing Foundation 2015 week 1

The first session of the Drawing Foundation class for Fall 2015 was held on Thursday, September 17. The program is designed to develop skills of observing, understanding, and expressing to enable communicating what we see, imagine, and feel.

Color Relationships 1, Summer 2015 week 5

The fifth session of the Color Relationships 1 class for Summer 2015 was held on Tuesday, August 25th. Our last session for the Color 1 series was a visual delight, from viewing the range of materials and various interpretations of the homework, to our guest speaker ValĂ©rie sharing her recent watercolor explorations. We heard a philosophical take on Dick’s theory of teaching and the shared contract of the responsibility for in student/teacher relationship, discussed the value of experimentation, and wrapped up with a delicious “graduation” potluck lunch and an hour of socializing.

Color Relationships 1, Summer 2015 week 4

The fourth session of the Color Relationships 1 class for Summer 2015 was held on Tuesday, August 18th. We critiqued the transposition examples seen in Albers’ book, reviewed the homework submissions, enjoyed a poetry reading, and heard from Kit Gentry about the incredible use of value as it is employed in his paintings. We moved on to our last assignment (an exercise in freedom!), and Dick talked about considering how we might put these color concepts to use in the future.

Color Relationships 1, Summer 2015 week 3

The third session of the Color Relationships 1 class for Summer 2015 was held on Tuesday, August 11th. We heard from participants about their latest experiences with color, critiqued the last two assignments, and moved on to explore a new facet of color interaction: equal value. This was a favored trick of the Impressionist painters, and when properly utilized can manifest the most beautiful and luminous fields of color. But matching value is much more challenging than it seems! It is truly the mark of a skilled colorist, one who can control their value selection as much as their choice of hues.

Color Relationships 1, Summer 2015 week 2

Wow, only our second session and we are fast covering ground! In this class, we moved right ahead, learning more about arrays; the importance of recognizing the difference between hue and value; how to look at your work objectively; and most importantly: HALATIONS! The following post summarizes our exciting class activities, the importance of critique, the new homework, and the fun videos we watched (no shortage of laughter!). Read on for more …

Color Relationships 1, Summer 2015 week 1

Welcome Summer 2015 color explorers, to our very first session and the start of a new understanding of color interaction! The following post provides a summary of what took place in the classroom (it all seems to go by so fast!), and reinforces the key ideas we discussed in class, along with images of the presentations, videos, and links to reference material. Enjoy!

Summer and fall 2015 class offerings

We have a few openings for a five-week Color Relationships 1 class to be held this summer, and a nine-week Drawing Foundation class to start in September. Read the full announcement for course descriptions, schedule, and cost. Contact Karen Bennett by email or through the website contact form for questions or to register.

Art is Us 2015 week 9

The ninth session of the “Art is Us” art history class for Spring 2015 was held on Thursday, May 14. Artwork from the Surrealism, De Stijl/Neo-Plasticism, Abstract Expressionism, Op Art, Pop Art, and Photo-Realism movements was introduced. Works by Salvador Dali, Jackson Pollock, Josef Albers, Claes Oldenburg, Chuck Close, and Richard Nelson were featured. Concepts from the whole course were reviewed in quizzes. The reason/passion polarity was revealed to be the organizing principle of the entire course.