Trihue Watercolor, Week 7

The seventh sessions of the Trihue Watercolor class for Winter 2018 were held on Wednesday, February 28 and Sunday, March 18. The colored light studies were critiqued. The new topic, surface, was introduced. Surface has to do with light being reflected or absorbed. Similar to the value scale of white to black, you can imagine a surface scale from very reflective to not at all reflective: mirror to black velvet. Still water at a distance will reflect the sky or other surroundings, acting like a mirror, while looking down into it at a steep angle, or where an object is between us and the light source, you can see through it like a window. The new painting assignment provides a chance to tackle this intriguing phenomenon.

Trihue Watercolor, Week 6

The sixth sessions of the Trihue Watercolor class for Winter 2018 were held on Wednesday, February 21 and Sunday, March 11. The white light homework was critiqued. The new topic for this week is colored light. Dick gave a demo of colored light shining on white paper and on an arrangement of different colors and values. Colored light and shadow work to unify a scene, because all colors are affected equally. Shadow colors are the complement of the light color, plus black (because all light contains a lot of white light) and any ambient light (outside, the blue of the sky). Sunset provides an opportunity to observe this phenomenon, with amber light and rich blue-green shadows. For more detail, be sure to read the post linked to in the “Other resources” section.

Color Relationships 2, Fall 2016 week 7

The seventh session of the Color Relationships 2 class for Fall 2016 was held on Wednesday, October 12. We critiqued the homework (Translucency), and introduced the last homework assignment, Freedom! Dick discussed the importance of going from dependence to independence, and the 6 phases of creative problem solving that will help you on your journey as a mature artist. See the post for a full recap.

Color Relationships 2, Fall 2016 week 6

The sixth session of the Color Relationships 2 class for Fall 2016 was held on Wednesday, October 5. We critiqued the homework (Colored light and shadow) and viewed more examples of how a colored light will modify other hues. Dick introduced a new assignment for this course, Translucency, using a demo and slide show presentation to discuss this challenging and beautiful visual effect. View the full post for photos, class materials, and videos.

Color Relationships 2, Fall 2016 week 5

The fifth session of the Color Relationships 2 class for Fall 2016 was held on Wednesday, September 28. We critiqued the homework (White light and shadow), which is always a trickier assignment than it initially seems. The class was introduced to the bizarre phenomenon of colored light and shadows, which often defies what your mind tells you to be true! Seeing it happen in real time is key to this lesson, and Dick provided a great demonstration to prove the effects. Please see the full post for photos, class materials, and this week’s new homework assignment, Colored light and shadow.

Color Relationships 2, 2015 week 6

The sixth and final session of the Color Relationships class for Winter 2015 was held on Friday, February 13. We analyzed a photo with colored shadows, and critiqued the colored light and shade homework assignments. A quiz provided a review of course concepts. Dick gave an introduction to his upcoming art history class.

Color Relationships 2, 2015 week 5

The fifth session of the Color Relationships class for Winter 2015 was held on Friday, February 6. We critiqued the white light and shade assignment. The phenomenon of colored light was introduced through a demonstration, discussion, and video presentations. Students will define their own assignment and criteria for a colored light illusion.

Color Relationships 2013 week 9

Homework Transposing colors of equal value Think of 1-3 ideas for a final project Optional: vanishing boundaries Rework or refine any previous assignments. Look for positive and negative examples to share. [gview file=””] [gview file=””] Class recap Critique – reworked assignments 1-7 Reworking an assignment strengthens your understanding of the concepts and provides a lasting…