Trihue Watercolor, Week 7

The seventh sessions of the Trihue Watercolor class for Winter 2018 were held on Wednesday, February 28 and Sunday, March 18. The colored light studies were critiqued. The new topic, surface, was introduced. Surface has to do with light being reflected or absorbed. Similar to the value scale of white to black, you can imagine a surface scale from very reflective to not at all reflective: mirror to black velvet. Still water at a distance will reflect the sky or other surroundings, acting like a mirror, while looking down into it at a steep angle, or where an object is between us and the light source, you can see through it like a window. The new painting assignment provides a chance to tackle this intriguing phenomenon.

Color Relationships 2, Fall 2016 week 4

The fourth session of the Color Relationships 2 class for Fall 2016 was held on Wednesday, September 21. We critiqued the homework (Volume Color), addressed common problems that students encountered, and discussed again the benefits of using volume color in artwork. The class was introduced to white light and shadows, and given a new homework assignment, Create the illusion of white light.

Advanced Drawing and Composition 2016 week 4

The fourth session of the Advanced Drawing and Composition class for Winter 2016 was held on Wednesday, February 3. We shared and critiqued our skull drawings, discussed surface differences in more detail, and refreshed our memory on the ‘six phases of creative problem solving’. We spent a good portion of class discussing our next challenge, COMPOSITION. What is it, and why is it important? Read an excerpt, and listen to the full discussion near the end of the post.

Advanced Drawing & Composition 2016 week 1

The first session of the Advanced Drawing and Composition class for Winter 2016 was held on Wednesday, January 13. We discussed the relationships between light and shadow, and how to use these relationships to create convincing images. Dick showed us how to plot a cast shadow using perspective, how to gauge the values of light vs. shadow, and talked about the different qualities of H and B pencils. Thanks to Valerie, this week’s summary includes almost 45 minutes of video from the class, and an additional 15 minutes of audio, providing an opportunity to (re-)experience a significant portion of the class.

Color Relationships 2, 2015 week 2

The second session of the Color Relationships class for Winter 2015 was held on Friday, January 16. We critiqued the solutions to the film illusion assignment (Create the illusion of a colored film over two or more colors), and had an introduction to veils. The new homework assignment is to create the illusion of one or more veils over a set of two or more colors, incorporating an actual veil (a piece of tracing paper or the like) into the study. Films and veils are two visual phenomena that help to unify and create emotion in a piece, intriguing the viewer and inviting their participation.

Color Relationships 2013 week 8

Homework Create your own assignment and criteria for a colored light illusion, as described below. Answer the questions on page 2 of the PDF “Critique: Course assessment, Week 8” and come prepared to share some of your answers. (Also available as a Word doc.) Email them to Karen if you’d like to share any private…

Color Relationships 2013 week 7

Homework Create your own assignment and criteria for a light illusion, as described below. Rework or refine any previous assignments. Look for positive and negative examples. [gview file=””] Class recap Critique – reworked assignments 1-5 New or improved versions of previous assignments were reviewed and critiqued. Class members helped each other see where the illusions…