Color Relationships 2013 week 7

Homework Create your own assignment and criteria for a light illusion, as described below. Rework or refine any previous assignments. Look for positive and negative examples. [gview file=””] Class recap Critique – reworked assignments 1-5 New or improved versions of previous assignments were reviewed and critiqued. Class members helped each other see where the illusions…

Color Relationships 2013 week 6

Homework The new homework assignment is to create two illusions of volume color, as detailed below. Arrays are the key! Ongoing assignments are to identify examples of color deceptions and halation (exercises 1-3) and visual phenomena (films and veils) in nature, or in your own or others’ work. Create improved versions of any past assignments.…

Color, Light, Space exhibit and video-lecture series at Viewpoints Gallery

Viewpoints Gallery presents: Color, Light, Space – Video Lecture Sessions In September 2011, Dick Nelson and Viewpoints Gallery launched an ambitious one-year project designed to promote visual literacy by creating an educational program and exhibition titled “Color. Light. Space.” Eleven Maui artists were selected to participate in a series of documented seminars over the past…