Color Residual 3: March

The third color residual session was held on Saturday, March 29.

Sharing and critique

We had a special guest, Chelsea Bryce, thanks to a suggestion from Kit Gentry. Chelsea had one piece selected for Art Maui this year, and brought in another piece she’d entered, and two studies for it. She’s experimenting with a crosshatch pastel technique that was inspired by Degas.

Cheryl brought in an ambitious watercolor sunset painting.

Watercolor sunset by Cheryl Logsdon

Watercolor sunset by Cheryl Logsdon

Patt brought in a number of watercolor experiments that she’s having fun with. She looked to some of Dick’s tri-hue watercolor lessons for inspiration.

Valerie said she usually takes several weeks to complete a painting. With guests in town, she didn’t have that kind of time, so she challenged herself to complete one in an afternoon – and then did it again!

Pastels by Valerie Richter

Pastels by Valerie Richter

Kari found herself fascinated by the subtle colors in a snow scene, and uncharacteristically, just let herself play.

Snow scene by Kari McCarthy

Snow scene by Kari McCarthy

Melissa showed two recently completed works in her Agents of Change series. She said, “My conservation work informs my art.” With five paintings complete, she has ideas for four or five more.


What, specifically, are you trying to share or explore in your work? In a round-robin discussion, Dick brought up an “incredibly important” question: Can each of you identify your message? What particular message or emotion are you trying to convey? It’s important to identify, once in a while, where we’re at, and how we got there.

Review / Quiz

Test your understanding of the concepts of portraying several visual phenomena: veils, light, and colored light. Refer to Color Relationships week 5 and week 6 for examples and explanations of veils. For light and colored light, see week 7, week 8, and week 9.